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Disappointment of Shanghai Expo 2010
I went to Shanghai Expo 2010 yesterday, June 9th, 2010, with my husband. We are very very disappointed with Expo and would like to express our feeling here. Yesterday afternoon, around 12:30pm, we went to the L1 Ferry Terminal, waited inline to get on a ferry. A local Chinese woman behind us tried to jump line, I used my arm to block her way and she used her hand to hit hard on my arm. I asked what she wanted to do and she started to yell with very bad attitude. I continue to block her from jumping line and she hitted me hard on my forehand and cheek with her arm. I now ended up with a big bruise on my forehead. During the whole crises, I screemed out loud for help, NO ONE CARE!! Everyone was just watching and some even laughing just like watching a movie. There were NO workers inside the park come to help as well. I tried to call the police bhy dailing 110, but other people stopped me and pursade me to let her go. I finally let her go and get on the ferry. Then when we get out of the ferry in L2 ferry Terminal, we saw the woman and her husband again crossing the road. My husband tried to use his camera to capture a photo of the woman. She found out and use her umbella to hit my husband on his head. My husband lip was bleeding. I tried to help and her husband hold me very hard on the arm almost twist my arm. Then the woman use her umbella to hit me hard on my face again. My right cheek ended up with a big bruise. During the whole incident, again NO ONE come to help and there is no worker or volunteer inside the park to be found. A police car happened to pass by. My husband stop the police car, tried to get help and report the case. The police woman inside the car told use she does not take care of this kind of case and told us to report it to security guard inside the park. Then she drove away!! By this time the woman and her husband that hit us had already went away. We managed to find a security guard of the park and told him about what happened. He claimed that he was busy on some other duty and he can't help us. He told us we should have reported and call 110 while that was happening and we should go outside the park to the closest police station to report the case. I asked him we are injured and still have to go all the way outside the park to police station? His answered is yes. Then he ran away as well!! Can't you believe that? This is totally rediculous! China has a long long way to go to improve the education and quality of its citizen. Other than what had happened to us. The whole Expo park is full of trash. People threw trash on the floor even when there is a trash can very close by. Tiolets were dirty, with shit and blood, you can smell it far away. People are very impolite, rude and selfish. I had talked to a few people from other countries and they told me the same impression. Yesterday about 410K people entered the park and I had only seen less than 10 foreigner inside the whole park. About 99.9% of the people are local chinese. Do you know why there are NO foreigner interested or even dare to come to Expo? I can fully understand why after what had happened to me. It is a big shame. For now, I will tell everyone to stay away from Expo, it is a very horrible place to be and your life is at risk by going there.
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