環球旅遊網 >> 大陸游 >> 上海游 >> 上海旅游攻略 >> fast forward city, slow paced life 快城市,慢生活
fast forward city, slow paced life 快城市,慢生活

Living in a city that moves so fast, sometimes you just need to slow down your steps and take a deep breath. taking a sunbath, going for a casual walk, getting a local newspaper at the street venture---these might be a luxury for me a week ago, but now as i'm not on an engagement, i've got more free time to spend on my own.

Today after lunch, i decided to give myself a grand tour around our office building. in the first 5 minutes, i found a CD venture which sells exactly what i want--a collection of songs from all the hot night clubs in town--Babyface,Armani,Park97,Guan Di, etc. the quick rhythm and R&B music brought me back to those sleepless nights in Shanghai, the party is going on forever like there is no tomorrow....

Just as i waved goodbye to the stand owner, another store rushed into my sight, this is a second-hand foreign book store. 20 minutes later, i got out with 2 novels and a fashion magazine, the magazine is a 2008 January edition "Cosmopolitan", look at the titles they've got for cover stories---"How to Stay Hot for Each Other", "bedroom blogs", "double pleasure" ,"your life/love predictions"....from when does this woman's magazines turn into a sex session on paper ? i'm just wondering....and immediately i couldn't resist the temptation of buying it~~haha ~

the first book i got is a best seller called " the Undomestic Goddess",written by Sophie Kinsella, whose last book "Can you keep a Secret" also hit the market--which i could assure you is a very smart book, i've been laughing all the way when i read it~ the other book i got reveals the life of a supermodel in the 1970s called Janice Dickinson. just as i picked up the book, a line on the cover attracted my attention: " i started this book at midnight and finished at 6 A.M. "--i wish this book really rocks as i expected~~

two bestsellers plus a Cosmoplitan only equals 41RMB---i love this city! who says everything is expensive here and you've got to be rich enough to have a good time~maybe all you need is to slow down your steps and take a better look at this city, then you will find there are endless possibilities at the corner of a street. The city always moves fast forward, but you could still enjoy your slow paced life.

for more information or travel blogs, you can visit: http://susanna21.spaces.live.com/

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