環球旅遊網 >> 大陸游 >> 北京游 >> 北京旅游攻略 >> 如此旅游同行的三級服務?

TraveltradeChina is a travel industry cooperation web site specifically set up to service B2B international outbound travel. With more than 9,000 users from all over the world, and excellent performance in Large-scale exhibitions like COTTM, BITE, CITM, WTF, GITF and so on, traveltradeChina has received highly reputation and great influence.

Especially, as the three-dimensional extension services including online e-commerce, kinds of offline activities organized by public relation department as well as the powerful resource sharing of the Green Page Directory made by travel trade China are launched, therefore, service area is further expanded and traveltradeChina again wins widely high opinion from members.

Moreover, traveltradeChina has been an experiential cooperation and support media in the Domestic well-known exhibitions since the establishment of company in 2007, and it has played important roles in such as: China Outbound Travel and Tourism Market (COTTM), World Trade Fair (WTF), China International Travel Mart (CITM), East Asia International Travel Fair (EAITF), Guangzhou International Travel Expo, and Nanjing Tourism Exhibition etc.


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北京最適合五月游玩的九個地方 總有一處適合你!





  花開春季,雖然沒有夏季的爛漫,卻更能撩人情思,讓人沉醉!轉眼間,又到了出游踏青賞花的季節。蟄伏了一冬的你是否已經蠢蠢欲動呢?下面小編就為大家盤點一下北京那些春意盎然的賞花好去處。  海澱-鹫峰國

北京春季賞花大盤點 按著月份去賞花

 又是一季的春,在溫暖如棉的風裡,仰起臉記下新的生命的味道……  還有那些花朵,芬芳在枝頭,俯視人間。我記得你們的模樣:微張的瓣和蕊,細碎的粉,猶如台上的女子,粉墨登場唱