環球旅遊網 >> 大陸游 >> 北京游 >> 北京旅游攻略 >> 孤旅如歌——MY FIRST ENGLISH SONG
A Voice Calling-----

(Due to the difficulty of my typing the melody,only the words are presented.)

You are twilight up the sea. You are sunshine in the sky.
You are twinkling little stars above,that is shinning in my eyes.

When the night is drawing near,I know what I want to find.
I can touch your voice in the air,with my ears and my mind.
I’m wandering in the way to you,with no idea where I can find you.
I’m standing in a crossroads. I don’t know where to go.
I want to approach the way to you. No one can prevent me doing so.
Whatever will happen tomorrow,I just don’t want to know.
A thousand times,I’m yeaning for your smiles.
A thousand times,I have heard your secret sighs.
Guess it’s gonna be a lonely night,I just cannot close my eyes.
For the reason that the voice,is still calling in my mind.

When I feel lonely at night,I wanna stand by your side.
I can feel you thro’ the dark night,with my hands and my mind.
I’m wandering in the way to you,with no idea where I can find you.
I’m standing in a crossroads. I don’t know where to go.
I want to approach the way to you;no one can prevent me doing so.
Whatever will happen tomorrow,I just don’t want to know.
When deep at night,I’ll be glad to see you smile.
When deep at night,I don’t wanna hear you cry.
Guess it’s gonna be a lonely night,I just cannot close my eyes.
For somewhere I’m sure the voice,is now calling in my mind.

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鄉景度假村 鄉景的柔軟時光





  好雨知時節,當春乃發生,隨風潛入夜,潤物細無聲。  春天,是萬物復蘇的時節,到處勃勃生機,給人以希望。  可惜,春天對於北京來說,的確不是最佳的旅游時節,眾所周知,由於北京的地緣氣候和自然環境的