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Lukang owns well-reserved historic preservation and several venerable temples. I grown up in here and take the same thoughts toward to Lukang just like many Lukang people, that Lukang is nothing more than a fading coastal town as like many of others in Taiwan and where young people should leave for pursuing a hopeful career. However Lukang, who whispers its ancient flourishing stories in the descendant winds. Until recent years I got some chances to accompany with couch surfers from various countries, together with them I re-discovery my hometown and have started to learn about Lukang with a pair of curious backpacker eyes.
A glance of Lukang.
In Chinese word, 人means "people", 入means "please in", together the pattern means "Welcome many people". The red brick shows the ancient integration of art and wisdom.


For most of travelers, the people we met determined the way to measure the distance of a city. The connection of spirit is stronger than the visible geographical boundaries.Lukang has already radiated the most important light for travelling which is “warming human interest.”A Korean friend of mine was travelling 20 more countries and once said to me that “the friendly Lukang is too amazing, it has completed my journey.”
關於鹿港地名的說法很多,但我最喜歡這個最顧名思義的版本: 中部一帶昔日多鹿,常有鹿群聚集海口草埔,故名鹿仔港,後簡稱鹿港。
In common parlance, there are four origins about the name of Lukang, but I like this one most which is“There used to be a lot of deer in the middle part of Taiwan which often gathered in grassland of the seaport, hence, it was named Luzaikang, shorted as Lukang afterwards. 
While strolling about through Lukang we bumped into the deer by chance and it let our kids keep the imagination of ancient Lukang. 

The development of Lukang is related to the proximity to Mainland China. During 17th center, the coastal resident in Fijian province migrate to Taiwan for living (a saying about Fijian is mountains 2 water and 1 plain field) thus Lukang has become a biggest harbor of middle Taiwan, In 1784 Lukang was designated as the busy Taiwan seaport for shipping links with Chuanchou city (China泉州). 
An overall majority of Lukang people’s ancestor are from Changchou or Chuanchou. The founder of Acer group Stan Shih once during his meeting in APEC, chairman Hu of PRC was very curious about his accent. Shih answered,” I love this Lukang accent, my forefather came to Taiwan from Chuanchou.”
A typical house on ChungShan Rd., Which is Stan Shih’s old house. Also known as Shimeiyu incense shop.
Followed the blurred address according to my family tree, my father and I travelled to Chuanchou city, China in 2012 to visit my real remote relatives (I am the 7th generation since my ancestor migrate to Taiwan). 
A saying about the numerous temples in Lukang is " 3 steps a small temple, 5 steps a big temple." Indeed the density of temple is highest in Taiwan. 
Temple Fairs were held on auspicious day base on the lunar calender. But is now plays on weekend due to the changing of social model and life transition. Lukang is one of the best places to photograph the festivals due to the good attendance of temple. 
The destiny of Lukang is just as curved as "Nine-Curved Lane" ?
After 60 years flourishing in commerce, Lukang came down with alluviums in the harbor, quite a lot of changes in personnel and the happen of The Sino-Japanese war(1937). And one the other direct reason was the Taiwan railway didn't set Lukang as a station. But why?
Lukang local gentry were strongly against the railway station due to the concern about FengShui. The Japanese government were pushing the boat along to with the objection so as to get rid of the past power of local gentry. On the other hand, it could be a nice way to shorten the budget of " district improvement." Hence Lukang, perchance keeping the original architectures remain.
古跡的保存是意外的,工藝的延續卻是堅持的。 在鹿港的巷弄中總能發現為傳統付出的身影。
The remanding old buildings have been restored by chance, and the traditional handicrafts have been persisted by belief or principle which I am too green to understand. By wandering through Lukang's narrow alleys, we can always discovery the masters of art and tradition.
鹿港有一句俗諺說:「富過三代,方之飲食。」 和台灣很多早期發展的地方一樣,鹿港的民俗點心與小吃,好吃也好看。 第一市場是鹿港人打牙祭的地方, 如面線糊、龍山肉羹、肉圓、潤餅、芋圓、鴨肉冬粉或年舌餅、蚵仔煎等... 20年,在這裡可能還無法稱做為老店。
There is a local saying in Lukang, " Beyond the 3rd rich generation, just knowing how to appreciate food and drink." Lukang First traditional market provides various choice of traditional food and street food. such as thick rice noodle soup, thick soup with meat and seafood, taro balls, mud shrimp dish, meat buns... and so on. 20 year-old in here, may not old enough to be called as an old shop. 
以上是鹿港的小簡介,黑體字的部分都是要繼續延伸的主題,也是鹿港值得深入的題材。我將繼續上課並把更完整的信息與大家分享! 謝謝參考指正
Lukang people own the DNA of hospitality, and it might be the reason that I start to write the blog. Sincerely I wish that every Taiwanese and every foreign friend can come to Lukang to have a nice travelling. above is a brief introduction to Lukang, boldface words are the topics that I am going to carry on. But before that I will have to study more and sharing a more complete and precise information. Thank you!

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