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The Ming Tombs
he Ming Dynasty lasted from 1368 to 1644. The frist Ming emperor had his tomb built Nanjing, the town which he had chosen for his capital. A his eldest son died early , he was succeeded by his grandson, who became the second emper or. His fourth son, the Prince of Yan,was guarding thr northern grontier near Beijing wih an army 1000,000 strong.The second emperor attempted to weaken his forces but was met wuth counter-attacks.After a 3-year war he was ousted and los track of completely.So,the fourth son became the hird emperor,Emperor yong, of the Ming Dynasty.
So many tombs are scattered among mountains and basins acting as screens,imposing and magnificent.
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2012北京菊花文化節 秋游北京國際鮮花港賞花攻略


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